How to Study Jews and Power

Historically vulnerable, what has been the Jewish view of power? How should Jews view power? Should Jews be ambivalent toward and uncomfortable with power? Should they be more hard-headed? What about power’s tendency to corrupt? And how can Jews balance national empowerment with a belief in an all-powerful God?

In partnership with the Chabad House at Harvard, the Tikvah Fund is offering a three-day course on Jews and the question of worldly power, during Harvard’s Wintersession (January 20-23, 2015). The program is open to any Boston-area university students. Ruth Wisse, Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, and Elliott Abrams will help us address the question from three vantage points—through literature, through theology, and through politics and grand strategy. Watch below as two of the instructors—Wisse and Soloveichik—offer a foretaste of their seminar.

Deadline to apply is fast approaching: November 23, 2014. Participating students will receive a stipend of $350.

Know any students in the Boston area who are interested in Jews and power? Direct them to apply.




Chabad House at Harvard University

Jews and Power: Tradition, Literature, and Politics

January 20, 2015 – January 23, 2015

A three-day immersion in Jewish thought, literature, and politics, open to Harvard undergraduate and graduate students and interested university students in the Greater Boston area.

Application Deadline: November 23, 2014
Stipend: $350

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