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Natalie Ecanow is a Research Analyst at Foundation for Defense of Democracies. She graduated from Duke University in May 2021 with a degree in political science and minors in Middle Eastern studies and history. She was previously a research intern at the Hudson Institute, where she worked for Walter Russell Mead and Douglas Feith. She also served as a senior analyst at a private foundation. Natalie was a Beren Summer Fellow in 2019 and a Teaching Assistant for Tikvah Online Academy for three semesters.
Raina Raskin is the former Assistant Director of Tikvah Online Academy. She studied at the University of Chicago as a Stamps Scholar, and she graduated with a degree in Fundamentals: Issues and Texts. After completing the Tikvah College Fellowship, she co-founded the “Debating Zionism” reading group on Zionist intellectual history, with several Tikvah peers. Raina was a Staff Reporter at the New York Sun and is currently an Editorial Assistant at the New York Times.
Dore Feith is a J.D. candidate at Columbia Law School. He is a former program officer of a philanthropic foundation and was a Special Assistant to the Deputy Administrator at USAID. Dore graduated from Columbia University in 2018 and has published research-based articles in numerous media outlets.
Jacob graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Washington University in St. Louis, where he received the Arnold J. Lien prize for the outstanding undergraduate in political science. As a Beren Summer Fellow, Jacob published an article on the U.S.-Israel-China relationship in Asia Times. Jacob was a 2022 National Defense Fellow with the Ronald Reagan Institute and Alexander Hamilton Society.
Zoé Tara Zeigherman is an associate producer in New York City. She was the
director and producer of the five-part series, Zionism & Anti-Zionism: The History of Two Opposing Ideas, which she developed as a Beren Summer Fellow.