Image for Modern Wars of the Jews: 1900-1948

In this course, we’ll explore some of the pivotal moments of 20th century history in which Jews began to tackle anew the political challenges and necessities of warfare. The seminar will focus on some of the key dilemmas of war, including questions of patriotism and dual loyalty, revolutionary wars, and the ethics of killing non-combatants. We’ll learn about major figures like Chief Rabbis Abraham Kook and Isaac Herzog, Vladimir Jabotinsky, David Ben-Gurion, and Menachem Begin while debating concepts like “purity of arms,” “an eye for an eye,” and “holy wars.” Case studies will include the Dreyfus affair, massive Jewish participation on both sides of World War I, the Tel Hai battle, the Etzel “terror” attacks against Arabs in 1939, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and Israel’s remarkable War of Independence.