Image for The Jewish Genius of S.Y. Agnon

A modern master, Shmuel Yosef Agnon helped bring about the revival of Hebrew literature, both in the land of Israel and throughout the world. His short stories, novels, and anthologies drew from and in turn strengthened the national spirit of the Jewish people in the age of Zionism, the Shoah, and the founding of Israel. He is the first and, so far, only Hebrew writer to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, which he was awarded in 1966.

This winter, read outstanding selections of his fiction with Rabbi Jeffrey Saks, editor of Tradition, series editor of the S.Y. Agnon Library at The Toby Press, and the director of research at the Agnon House in Jerusalem. Readings will include novels like The Bridal Canopy and A Guest for the Night as well as numerous pieces of shorter fiction. And discussions will focus on Agnon’s extensive use of allusions to and quotations of traditional Jewish texts, his conscious effort to reawaken the Hebrew language, and the tensions that characterize modern Jewish life, including those between tradition and modernity, and the Diaspora and the land of Israel.

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