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Zach Kessel

Zach Kessel, a New Jersey native, is a rising senior at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, where he serves as president of the school’s Alexander Hamilton Society chapter. He has anchored the university’s cable news-style politics program and worked as an opinion columnist for The Daily Northwestern, a role he used to argue in favor of conservative philosophy and a vigorous defense of the Jewish people. His writings have appeared in several other publications, including The Washington Post and National Review. Zach has completed fellowship and internship programs with the American Enterprise Institute, the Congressional Leadership Fund, and the Hertog Foundation, and spent the past winter as a reporter on Capitol Hill with a focus on the Senate Republican Conference. Zach’s project, which he completed with the Vandenberg Coalition in Washington, D.C., attempts to counteract both leftist restraint and the burgeoning forces of isolationism within American conservatism. He assisted the Vandenberg Coalition in the development of a fellowship program for young foreign affairs and national security journalists geared toward disabusing these reporters of misguided notions of America’s role in the world and creating a network of media figures and outlets through which to promote a robust internationalist American foreign policy. He also conducted analyses of the conservative media ecosystem in order to determine the most frequent and most effective lines of attack emanating from the isolationist right, an undertaking that serves to familiarize advocates for American involvement abroad with the challenges with which they are faced.