Listen to New Interview of Michael Doran by Eric Cohen

Image for Listen to New Interview of Michael Doran by Eric Cohen

DoranLast week, Brookings Institution senior fellow Michael Doran taught in our ongoing Advanced Institute entitled “Moments of Decision, Great Debates.” His subject was the 1948 Israeli war of independence and the fierce debate that surrounds it. While he was at the Tikvah Center, he sat down with Tikvah’s Executive Director Eric Cohen for an exclusive interview. The discussion ranged from parallels between the Eisenhower and Obama administrations’ approach to the Middle East, to the principles of American foreign policy under President Bush and President Obama to Dr. Doran’s analysis of contemporary crises in Syria and Iran.

“We have ceded to Iran an enormous amount of leverage. Iran has given up no leverage over us whatsoever. With respect to their nuclear program, they are at first and goal. What they have agreed to with this agreement is to stay at first and goal… the leverage that they have over us is constant.”

But, he adds,  it’s not the end of the world… Listen in to see why:


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